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Can You Be Fined For Emptying A Swimming Pool?

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renegadefm | 19:06 Thu 28th Nov 2024 | Civil
26 Answers

There was a debate going on with work colleagues recently, and one guy said do you know you can be fined for emptying a small swimming pool down the drain, actually its not big enough to swim in, its more of a bathing pool.

But apparently if the water company witnesses this you can be fined, when its only water, its not like its got chemicals or anything in it. 


I'm confused because if this true, how the heck are you meant to empty it, and what am I meant to do with the water?


You would think with all the flooding going on, really emptying a small bathing pool down the drain it seems irrelevant. 





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You do whatever you think is right then if you're not interested in our suggestions/advice. 

I am not sure whether this is a hypothetical chat at work or whether there is a real issue about draining a swimming pool.

It depends on a) to where your drains empty b) the contents of the pool and c) your water company and d) common sense.


I'm not clear what the situation is but as renegadefm keeps telling us about the drain systems on her road I assume it's her pool she's asking about. I'm not sure why she doesn't ask her water company or council as she doesn't seem to like our answers.

I think the OP is a he, NMA.  However, I cannot argue with everything else you have said.

I'm sure it will all soon be water under the bridge.

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For the record I am male. 

I'm not sure now how the topic came up, but it waa just work colleagues putting the worlds to right. And someone randomly said did you know if you empty a pool of any kind in your garden and the water board sees you or finds out, you can be fined. 

Apparently its because by the time its gone down the drain they can no longer proove it didn't have chlorine or anything in it. 

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