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Wisbech Save The Children. Connecting Words Before Or After

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Redwen | 18:32 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
20 Answers

9 - mighty, nuclear, ant - 4 letters

15 - over, top, under -4 letters

32 - playing, visiting, instruction - 5 letters

42 - grass, pass, eyes - 5 letters

47 - sign, story, desk - 7 letters 

any help appreciated 😊



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47 sign writing story writing writing desk

15 over coat top coat under coat

32 Cards

15 mighty atom nuclear atom atom ant ?

42 grass snake snake pass snake eyes?

^^^ that's all I could come up with Mally. Never heard of snake eyes, but then I've never rolled dice for money. 😁

42 Was thinking maybe green but ??

snake eyes rolling 2 dice landing on 1's x

I'll endorse Snake -  snake eyes is a term used in dice games and is the name of a film. I've also heard the term used to describe someone, although I'm not sure what was meant.

9 bomb?

9 Atom ?

One that is really annoying me is No.5.Club, Tea and Big. (9)

Any help would be appreciated.


? Breakfast


Many thanks to you both.

sorry i put 15 instead of 9 for atom 

Question Author

Thank you everyone! Last one play, cart, wheel - 6 letters


play wright cart wright wheel wright

Playwright, Cartwright, wheelwright 

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Wisbech Save The Children. Connecting Words Before Or After

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