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Well Done Labour .

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gulliver1 | 12:49 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | News
34 Answers

Rachel Reeves has appointed a Covid Corruption Commissioner,with the intent of clawing back billions in fraudulent Covid contacts..Let's hope she starts with Baroness Mone, then Matt Hancock and also the two very senior Tory ministers who sanctioned and allowed this pair to get these very very lucrative contracts.Go for it Labour.



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Gully 8.42. I've never known you to be wrong on AB, but this is a first, it was 29 million that sailed away overseas. :○)There appears to be a total of 100million clear profit made on the whole deal. However this has been lost between 5 other companies that the Mones appear to have their fingers in, here in the UK and overseas.The bill for the PPE in total amounted to...
09:28 Wed 04th Dec 2024
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08.25 Make the accused pay the costs and not the taxpayer Strip them and their Family of their assets.Get the £20m Mone has stashed away in the offshore account for her kids

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Michelle Mone's daughter Rebbeca shelled out £1.64m on two homes in Glasgow and her Brother Declan shelled out £750.000 on a flat...and that all without touching mothers off shore account.

Gully 8.42. I've never known you to be wrong on AB, but this is a first, it was 29 million that sailed away overseas. :○)

There appears to be a total of 100million clear profit made on the whole deal. However this has been lost between 5 other companies that the Mones appear to have their fingers in, here in the UK and overseas.

The bill for the PPE in total amounted to 203 million. And heres the real joke, one of those linked companies is based in China,were it appears the PPE came from, hence the rubbish supplied.

So you have the remaining 103 million thats got lost between 5 other companies. Hence why its taking forever to get to the bottom of it all.

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Nicebloke 09.28 Just got to give you BA for that one           Mr Nicebloke ..Spot on as usual

Gawd elp us it's a bromance!

You just can't help giving me BA.

NB 40 BAs, 30 from Gully! PMSL!

You'll just have to beg a bit harder Tora.

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09.48 Lol.... end of 🤣

which one do you think serves?

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Mr Nicebloke 09.28 Guess I should have known she couldn't stuff £29 million down her Bra.

well done Raych

and well done Gullz for gritting your teeth and praising the opposition ! do it some more|: it will do you good

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09.59 Love it old china, end of.

a well known commentator says - fingy fongy foo. lulu doing!

( er that is my go at rhyminng slang. this is AB after all)

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