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How Do They Get Away With It ?

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tamaris | 08:16 Wed 04th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

30 year old anti social man lives near me, on disability and other benefits, has a  girlfriend and 2 kids. They both have their own flat. He leads a full life. He's been going out weekdays to work at 8 till 5pm approx. He leaves 2 big dogs in his flat unattended all that time. He has been reported but nothing is done about it. How do they get away with it ?





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I give up

So the scenario appears to be a man has his own flat and is in a relationship with a women with 2 kids that also has a flat.

the man may or may not be on benefits whilst working full time. Which I should point out is allowed depending on the benefits.

He also has 2 dogs that may or may not be on their own all day.

Unfortunately unless you are carrying out 24 hour surveillance you have no idea if someone is going in during the day.

Without evidence you have nothing other than gossip.

Also for the 3rd time have you reported your suspicions?

There have been many cases of people getting caught claiming disability and working or doing activities that show they are not disabled. Remember that guy who won Cornwalls strongest man a few years back? Anyway grass him up if you think he's taking the peace.

Where would we be without such Guardians of the Country's Morals as you. Keep up the good work.

Cases that hit the headlines sometimes run into 10s of thousands of pounds or more frauduently claimed and probably never recovered. There will be many more bending or breaking the rules on a lesser scale.

TTT...apparently, he's been reported already. So maybe the accusations...whatever they are...have no basis in truth. Why is everyone so damn suspicious?

//Why is everyone so damn suspicious?//


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