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Well, Fancy Seeing You Here!

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naomi24 | 14:03 Wed 04th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

Have you ever bumped into someone you know in the most unlikely of places?  I met someone I know on a far flung tropical beach - and another in the loos at St Peter's in Rome.



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Many years after leaving school I bumped into one of my old Shrewsbury prison. He was doing a stretch for benefit fraud.
14:34 Wed 04th Dec 2024

I was in a local jewellery shop and saw my old doctor who had retired many years before, it was in the days when you always saw the same doctor. I smiled at him and he said "Hello Margo how are you keeping" I was staggered that he remembered my name, not as exotic as yours Naomi but it made me smile for a couple of hours 

Yes it's annoying, isn't it Barry and Naomi? Apparently 1 in 40 people have the problem, so we are far from alone. One of my friends is the opposite, a so-called "super recogniser" and that's also 1 in 40 people. In her case, she recognises people but can't remember their names! 😂

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Well, Fancy Seeing You Here!

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