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We Are All Getting A Plod!

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ToraToraTora | 10:43 Thu 05th Dec 2024 | News
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I can remember PC Stringer when I was a kid, he used to cycle round our estate all day, often used to play football with us etc, lovely bloke.



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I wonder how much they will be paid.

We have a named neighbourhood police officer, have done for years.  He is very active on the neighbourhood app, posting his working hours for the week, alerting us when necessary.

Works well. He holds regular surgeries in the local library, too

That was tried years ago, policeman who lived in the village got named, after a while it was always an answerphone. Then it got changed to a PCSO walking the beat, that lasted less than a year. So it's not new just a rehashed idea.

Maybe they could extend the idea to include buildings where a collection of constables gather then disperse to patrol, let's call it their beat, bringing a sense of comfort and security to communities.

Don't know why it hasn't been thought of before.

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stop it with this extremist nonsense doug, next you'll be suggesting it be called a "station" or something.

Careful what you wish for. These new and exciting "bobbies" will be the upgraded version. Checking hate speech reports, recruited from the various, extra needs, communities, genderless or multi gendered, pink Mr Whippy soft scoop hairstyles, possibly religious but not as we know it jim.


Amazed they are finding the budget for it.  But I guess they'll just move staff from checking out hurty words on the Internet, and put them on the street instead.

"So it's not new just a rehashed idea."

Indeed it is. We had a "Community Police Team" about ten years or more ago. We had a nice flyer put through the door; we were directed to a website where all the members of the team (headed by a sergeant) had their mugshots; there were phone numbers to ring, text numbers to use, e-mail addresses to contact them by.

It was all a total waste of time. Contacting any of them was virtually impossible, phone numbers went straight to voicemail, texts never received a response; e-mails were never answered.

A neighbour had a particular problem with vandalism and was given a "hot line" to ring as soon as she spotted trouble. That number was answered (it was the personal number of a PCSO) but the team members were always "20 minutes away" and no emergency response could be provided.

I think the team (and the idea as a whole) simply disappeared into the ether.

This will go the same way. Announcements of the government's "Number One Priority" (of which they seem to have at least two dozen) accompanied by lots of wind and puff, targets set, milestones agreed, action plans put into place. But sod all will actually happen.

Meanwhile the police will continue to investtigate "non-crime" incidents by searching the internet for a poster who has called a woman a "bird". They will major on "hate" crimes, vigorously persuing anybody who suggests a man is not a woman and knocking on their doors on Sunday mornings to scare them witless.

Rather like the NHS, the police service in the UK has been sequestrated by liberal left-wing elements and it has been turned it into a branch of the social services, obsessed with "Equality, Diversity and Inclusion" instead of nicking villains, scroats and undesireables.. 

Also like the NHS it needs dismantling and something more suitable put in its place.

I'm already quiet familiar with most of the local officers...

//it needs dismantling and something more suitable put in its place.//

What do you think NJ. Bow street runners or something similar? Make a suggestion rather than just moaning about stuff.

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