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Hp Printer Stuck On 'Scan'

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brainiac | 12:17 Wed 04th Dec 2024 | Technology
8 Answers

While sizing something I was about to scan on my HP 1514 printer, I mistakenly right-clicked on something and now all I get is a black screen with the name of the printer, 'Scan' and a blue circle going round and round.


I've tried unplugging the printer, pressing the on/off button five times (as recommended on an internet forum) and left it off for 15 minutes - all to no avail.    Anybody have an idea how I can clear this please?



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Is there something in the PC print queue that needs deleting ?

Been a long time since I looked at print queues but surely Windows help search will tell you how.

I think OG ha it. If you look at the list of devices connected to your computer and then open the printer/scanner you will probably find something in the queue - just delete it.

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Thanks for the replies.   Now all I can get is 'Scan.  To get started connect a scanner'

It is connected (via USB cable).   Spent ages on this, no help from HP troubleshooting etc, and now the printer's ! symbol is flashing, though there's nothing in the print queue.   Aaaaargh

It might be worth uninstalling and re-installing the printer.

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Yes, think I might have to have a go at that.  Am off for a long walk to let off steam.....

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This is beyond frustrating.

I've borrowed another printer/scanner, successfully connected it to my laptop, but when I press on 'Open Scanner' I just get exactly what I now get with my own printer: a mainly black screen with:

Scan.  To get started connect scanner.

Absolutely no idea where to go with this - anybody have any ideas, please?



have you "added" it to your computer via:   settings, devices, printers and scanners, then "printers and scanners" = Add ? 

maybe when you disconnected, it needs reconnecting?

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Thanks.  Yes, I have and it's listed.  Now it says 'Driver is unavailable'

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Hp Printer Stuck On 'Scan'

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