I don't know if the right to post this question but as it is to do with a phone I thought that this might be the place....so here goes.
My friend recieved an automated phone call the other week, when she did 1471, to find out the number for it this is what came up..01111. This obviously not a normal kind of number so could anyone please explain this number and where it may have come from and which companies may use it???? Thanx in advance
Earlier this year I had something similar, but not the number you have shown but, according to BT, a non exixting number. however after they did some digging it turned out to be the mobile phone company using unlisted numbeer they control to try and get me to upgrade my phone!!. However yours may be a scam that are beginning to appear. If you call or reply to the nyumber you may end up phoning Timbuctoo at an extortionate rate!!