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Spectator 2683

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FleshpotsOfDevon | 13:12 Thu 05th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
15 Answers

Attires rogue in Scott’s regiments (7)


(I'm not 100% sure of the letters)



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I am still doing this and haven't solved that clue yet but I have ???TI??



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Thanks! I think I had that earlier but talked myself out of it! 

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I see now, I needed to "add 10" for 20a...


Could anyone please give me a hint as to where the hidden word is?

Across Down Diagonal?

6 letters one word?

I can see a 4 letter latin word but that cant be it in Column between 6 and 7 down?


Help please


Extend your 4 letter Latin word.




Hi everyone I have pretty much solved all the clues but I can't get the perimeter phrase. I know it ends in goodbye or farewell or something but I can't work it out. any clues?

Largedoner, there are hints to the theme on another thread - Spec 2683, started by Quinol (I think).  Have a look at that, and if you need more, just come back.

Once you get the quote, you can't get it out of your head. Be warned.😀

thanks, neveracrossword - i've cracked it

Largedoner, thanks - and glad you're all sorted, finished.

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Spectator 2683

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