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Shops Are Packed

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nicebloke1 | 17:31 Mon 09th Dec 2024 | Shopping & Style
26 Answers

Yet again. People spending like crazy. No shortage of money it appears regardless of all the moaning. Booze is flying off the shelves.



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"Shops are packed in lead up to Xmas.  "

My word, that is a surprise 🤣

Nicebloke ..It seems like joe public has more money to spend then since Labour came into power. and the Cons were kicked down the road..

Not true.  It seems the public are preparing for Christmas exactly as they do this time every year

And interest rates have dropped so saving is not so appealing 

I hate shopping at any time of year (too peoply) and since the end of November it has been hideous.  I have been known to drive to the supermarket, see the queues to get in and drive straight home again.  

Having spent myworking life battling against the Christmas shoppers adding to the rush hour traffic and filling the streets and shops I declare it's the same as ever!
luckily I can dodge it now. We've shopped online for a few gifts, been to the farm shop for fresh food and to the smaller supermarket off peak for the rest of our weekly shop. What could you need that takes you to the shopping centres until it's all over? 

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