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If A Mod Wakes..

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1ozzy | 06:33 Tue 10th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

..Up soon , Breanatower needs a good kick up the clacker. 



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I have suggested to the mods that all first time poster's should be vetted before being published.

If the mods aren't here that would only work if the  Eds asked the IT person to automate it. It won't happen though as they don't want to put off genuine new users. And I think the spammers help boost the site traffic records which makes it easier to attract advertisers which helps pay for the site. One thing I've suggested is banning links in titles, but that hasn't happened; and maybe spammers would get wise quickly anyway.

Anyway, barry's up now and I guess he's done the deed. Thanks barry.

Ooooh what have I missed? lol

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If A Mod Wakes..

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