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Khandro | 16:22 Wed 11th Dec 2024 | Beauty
23 Answers

The product, not the great old TV series!

I have bought a tablet of soap as a small Christmas gift for a woman family member (D.I.L.) via Amazon. Cost: 16 quid with p.p.

It's perfumed with frankincense & Myrrh which I thought would be appropriate. Even in its wrapper it smells a bit overpowering. Anyone know of it ? Should I give it to her or try for something else ?  Can anyone recommend a nice perfumed soap alternative ? 



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^^ Didn't mean to tell you twice!!

16 quid for a bar of soap?  You've been had.

My handwash rinses off perfectly. I don't buy posh stuff, just bog standard supermarket own brand for the bathrooms and utility room. One in a nicer bottle for the downstairs loo in a colour that goes with the decor.

Yes pasta, I did throw it away, I'm not traipsing down to a charity shop just to give them a bar of soap. It's been a few years since I was given any though.

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