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Worst Prime Minister In History

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gramps85 | 09:04 Mon 16th Dec 2024 | News
30 Answers

A poll has suggested that Starmer is the worst PM in history, and even some Labour voters (39%) are saying this.



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Wow ..there is a Tory Mod on this thread.

"i honestly don't know what "tea leaf" is. sorry." 

This might help:

Maybe not the worst in history - just yet but he is going in the right direction.

Certainly the worst in living memory I would have thought.  And in such a short space of time.

Total tool.

"tea leaf" is a new one on me and i can usually grasp what you're saying tora

I thought it meant fang-dinga - doolie - yeah ! ( foo)

and then another word for choc ice or cocomut ( black on the outside and white inside) BUT it is rhyming slang for thief.


TTT knows language is used for clear communication hahahahaha

Tea leaf is not new at all, 'er indoors uses it all the time.

Wow ..there is a Tory Mod on this thread.

mods come in all shapes and sizes even tho the end result is the same - hail the wisest of the wise

I thought it was a new wokerie word like snowflake

Nope, old as the hills.

Not as clever as you thought are you!

Nope, old as the hills.

words change ( their meaning) - there is a Renters Bill going thro parliament and I think  it is about leasing and not about young men on the game

thank you newjudge i hadn't come across it before

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