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Astronomy Quiz

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Howzat100 | 16:35 Sun 15th Dec 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers

All the answers are heavenly bodies - stars, planets, constellations or asteroids

Religious fanatics give up time for Catholic  (7)

Season's greetings and thanks in advance for any help.




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Anybody, I've been through lists of stars etc and getting nowhere.

Hi Cash, I was tring to work with

Zealots less t(ime) plus C(atholic), but Google hasn't heard of an alien race called 'Zealocs' or any anagram thereof. 😊

'give up time', for catholic is probably Lent

7 letter word that includes lent  

could only get p L a N E T s

other than that, nothing.


I went down that exact same route Captain2

Caliban - Taliban

I like the logic foes, but is Caliban related to heavenly bodies? I only know the Shakespeare character in The Tempest. Maybe it's a moon somewhere

^ Sorry, Foxes not Foes!

Some of the moons of Uranus and Neptune are named after Shakespeare characters.

It's a  moon of Uranus

Foxes are their own Foes at the moment!

yep Caliban fits and it's a moon of Uranus.

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