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Enjoy The Porridge Love You Earned It.......

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ToraToraTora | 11:24 Mon 16th Dec 2024 | News
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Alas she wasn't given any time in the Chokey.

She has been given a 13-week jail sentence, suspended for 12 months. She must also pay Mr Farage £150 compensation, £450 in court costs. and  complete 120 hours of unpaid work.

and has a criminal record?


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damn would have liked to see le petit vache in le Slammer

So two years in the slammer for hurty words but nothing for assault.

Two tier Justice.

Her milkshake brought all the boys to the yard.

Well her OF page anyway.

Are you surprised?



All eyes on January 20th.

I'm surprised 2TK hasnt knighted her and jailed Farage for getting in the way of the milkshake.

I did ask on the Law pages,but what is this"suspended sentence"all about.Doesnt seem much punishment at all.Seems more like a slap on the wrists.

A suspended sentence is a term of imprisonment which is not enacted immediately.

Instead it is "suspended" for a period. It may be accompanied by "requirements" or it may not. Suspended sentences must not be longer than two years and the suspension period must not be longer than two years.

Attached requirements can include:

- doing unpaid work
- being subject to a curfew
- undertaking a treatment programme for alcohol or drugs
- undertaking other activities focused on rehabilitation of offenders

If the defendant either commits further offences during the suspension period or fails to comply with any requirements as directed, he will be returned to court.

If he is found to be in breach of the order he will be sentecned for any new offence and the court will also consider activating the suspended sentence. This is not automatic and must be ordered by the court, The general expectation is that the suspended sentence should be activated unless there are compelling reasons not to do so.but in the current climate this seems often not to be the case.


\\If the defendant either commits further offences during the suspension period or fails to comply with any requirements as directed, he will be returned to court.//

what kind of offences? petite vache, since even French cows are feminine.

"...what kind of offences?"

Any offences which involve a criminal conviction. If the defendant is convicted the proseution has a duty to make the court aware of the suspended sentence so that activation of it can be considered.

This is an important safeguard and a good argument against automatic activation.

 Whilst there are no rules, the court will consider the nature of the latest offence. If, for example, the suspended sentence was imposed for an offence involving violence and the defendant is then convicted of speeding, it is unlikely the court will see fit to activate the suspended sentence.  

""Deputy senior district judge Tan Ikram"" Is there a clue there somewhere? Sharia law ruling maybe? This is the second assault on Farage that has "warranted" only a suspended sentence. If you threw milk shakes, or coffee, at starmer or Reeves would you get similar leniency? 

Thank you new Judge

"This is the second assault on Farage that has "warranted" only a suspended sentence."

But not the second committed by this same defendant.

Looking at the sentencing guidelines I am surprised the DJ considered that either of the offences crossed the custody threshold.

He obviously saw some aggravating features, perhaps such as pre-meditation and maybe he saw a certain vulnerabiliy in Mr Farage in his position as a Parliamentary candidate on the hustings.

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