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Dentures Loose

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johnk | 08:28 Thu 19th Dec 2024 | Body & Soul
2 Answers

Since losing another tooth my dentures have become very loose, has anyone tried any sort of glue to keep them from falling down.  I would need to remove them,



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You get fix it to keep dentures in your mouth.  Think there is a few different ones they are in a tube like toothpaste. Just put some inside denture then that holds til you remove them again. 

I don't get on with fixadent / steradent ,(the toothpaste like glue). I much prefer Seabond fixative seals, which are like paper you trim to fit your dentures and then you wet them to stay in place. They do one for upper and lowere dentures. They are available at Home Bargains. They don't leave the tacky residue in your mouth like the other stuff.

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