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ebeohp | 17:27 Fri 20th Dec 2024 | Crosswords
9 Answers

9D. Egyptian dancer in Spain and germany once (7) A-A-I-E

Several people have asked this and doesn't appear to be an agreed answer.

Explanation please

many thanks in advance



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Without looking at other answers & if your 2nd 'A' is incorrect, I'll proffer -

Almaine (Germany; in Chambers) - 'alma (Egyptian dancer) in E(spana)'

I have m in place of your second a - 13 across COMET one of Santa's reindeer. So agree it's ALMAINE

But I'm stuck on 28 down if anyone can help please. Iron man is upset about a religious charity 9 letters I have R*S*I***N - thanks in advance

anagram of ironmanis?



Many thanks for great response  I knew it was an anagram but didn't know the word- good to learn something new

Many thanks for great response  I knew it was an anagram but didn't know the word- good to learn something new

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