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Festive Dingbats. Cd 6/1/25

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Maisie Doats | 10:58 Thu 26th Dec 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

36.  Bauk   - I'm assuming it's golden something,

11.  I have the answer for this but not sure if I should put the spelling as in the dingbat or the correct spelling.  For this type of dingbat he usually spells as he wants it answered but I can't see a reason why he hasn't spelt it correctly.  Any thoughts on this ?  



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It would be helpful if you give us an idea what 11 is, we may be smart here but in the main we're not psychic 😀

For 11 I can't decide if its a N, Z or 2

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Sorry Canary42.

 11 is the word Candid inside a circle made up of the word sense. This would give Frank in sense.  But the correct spelling is Frankinsence and I can't find any alternative spelling to that.

tuvok - I'm assuming it has to N.

Right, I'm with you now.  Tricky one. I think I would plump for frankinsense.

dingbats are often sound like so frankincense sounds right

I agree with that answer - it doesn't have to spell as it is written. 

I still have others that I'm stuck with - just collating the other answers that I got earlier, along with a few other quizzes.

If you can help with those it would be appreciated - you'll get the link to my question from my profile.

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Thanks to everyone for your input. 
Anyone got any ideas for 36. Bauk ?  I'm only coming up with Golden Beaker or Christmas Golden Beaker but can't find any Christmas reference to those. 

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Festive Dingbats. Cd 6/1/25

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