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Pendleside Festive Dingbats. Cd 6/1/25

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Maisie Doats | 21:20 Mon 23rd Dec 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

1.   On the left  column - an & sign on top of the letter D  and on the right column -  the letter B, on top of the word LICK written 3 times downwards,  on top of the letter M.           

2.  Sol 4



Thanks for any help



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2. Mallyh suggested Marzipan for this  .. Mars E pan

Please give the actual question number Maisie Doats


 cashier suggested .........


23 could this be Donner und Blixem? I know it is usually Blitzen but when I just checked Blixem was given as an alterative.

Question Author

Thank you Hazlinny. I'm sure both answer are right. I'd thought of Blixem but had only seen it as Blitzen. Granny Grump ( love your name) the first one was 23 and the second was 33. 

Thank you it just makes it easier to help you 

Dunder and Blixem

Question Author

Thank you Buenchico. That sets the record straight. 

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Pendleside Festive Dingbats. Cd 6/1/25

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