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They're Coming After Your Holidays Now.....

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ToraToraTora | 11:47 Sat 28th Dec 2024 | News
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They seem hellbent in killing off every industry.

\\Rachel Reeves has claimed that air passenger duty (APD) has risen alongside inflation, but a bombshell new study contradicts this.//

Rachel from accounts got it wrong again.

Air fares are way too cheap...too many can afford to fly to foreign climes. The pricier the better.

They only want the super rich to be able to travel.

Why do you think so many of them scream at people about climate change while trotting about the earth in private jets for ice cream at their favourite ice cream stand.

The fewer folk that fly the more expensive each seat will be. Fewer seats sold, fewer planes fly, less profit for the airlines so the fares increase.  Even the comfortably off will be priced out of flying.

^but so much better for the environment...

Is it really?  What is worse, 600 people making two journeys in one jumbo jet over 14 days, or 600 people in 300 cars driving around the congested roads of the UK every day over 14 days?


\\^but so much better for the environment...//

\\Air fares are way too cheap...too many can afford to fly to foreign climes. The pricier the better.//

Do you drive? how do you get about?



((but so much better for the environment..))

But so much worse off for the cultural enrichement of the peoples of the country they are 'forced' to stay in..

The pollution from all those cars driving around those narrow, winding roads in Devon, Cornwall and Yorkshire, stuck in long traffic jams because a towed caravan has got stuck would be horrific if the majority of families that currently fly abroad are forced to holiday in the UK.

The aviation industry contributes over £22 billion to our GDP and supports almost one million jobs.  Where this government keeps its brains is anyone's guess.  

Question Author

road traffic is way more polluting overall than aviation.

//Where this government keeps its brains is anyone's guess.  //

Easy, they dont have any.  The cell they all share is probably dodgy too.

//Rachel from accounts //  Sadly she wasnt from accounts (or she might be a bit more financially savvy) she was from complaints which explain why she dorsnt listen to people.


Road traffic versus airlines is a silly argument.  Utterly futile.  

Typical rubbish headine from a cheap Tory paper. I notice the Mail had similar. It's not a new £400 tax - you would be paying about £350 already. If you can afford to fly 4 people to Florida for a holiday then you can afford another £50 or so. And I am not a Labour supporter.

How does increasing the tax on summer holidays help cut pollution?

Ah, spot the labour voter!

oh come on luvvies - taxes that are hypothecated ( road tax goes on roads, dog Tax goes on govt kennels ( cost more than 7/6 to collect andso was scrapped)

is a falsehood - we all really knew that didnt  we 

Govt tax coffers low -leads tto more tax. Tax on comestibles means everyone pays it ( even Princess Di ate at intervals) ad and easy to collct ( shop keeper does as VAT)

Principles of Taxation -as TTT raves on, we really always knew that didnt we?

/Where this government keeps its brains is anyone's guess. 

they are politicians chrissakes. Looke to Oxbridge for brainy people

Just so I'm on message, Joe Public has a car then driving is too cheap but when Joe Public flies to Miami air travel is justifiably affordable.

LMAO @ Toryx3

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