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Good Morning Sunday Birds.

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Smowball | 08:53 Sun 29th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
9 Answers

Am sooooo tired! Took girls to cinema lastnight - can't believe how many people walked in to watch in the middle of the film! And talked through it! 
Anyway, daughter still adamant she can't see a way forward with partner, but is thinking of going back today due to everything else(work, school, clothing etc etc). Have said she can stay as long as she likes, but that she does need to talk to him and shudnt just drive home not knowing what the situation is...... offered to keep girls here with me whilst she went home  alone to try and sort things. Will see what this morning brings......

Hope everyone is ok - has the fog cleared everywhere?? Was bad here lastnight, not as bad this morning.



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Morning Smow and all 

Another foggy day here,  no sun until Thursday☁️

Christmas can be a make or break time for families.  

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Morning Barry - yes you could be right. All full of this image of the perfect holiday and things don't always go according to plan do they.....

Morning Smow, hopefully things have calmed down a bit they maybe able to sort things out, but its good that you are there to support her and the children who must be unsettled by all the things that are going on. Is Mr Smow ok with it as well?

The fog has cleared here, thank goodness . We are still eating up stuff left over from Christmas today but that should be about it it so we haven't hugely over catered . The remainder will be banished to the freezer for future use.

Have a happy day everyone

Maybe the limited space in a static caravan has made them a bit too on top of one another 24x7 leading to frayed tempers

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MrSmow is fine thank god, but I completely agree about the space in the caravan - that's exactly what I said.

Good morning everyone. Clear but dull here,going to spend today writing emails and catching up via phone to those I have not seen since before Xmas. I don't like to interrupt Xmas as most people spend it with family and none of mine are left. Had a pleasant surprize yesterday as godson got in touch unexpectedly and we will catch up today.

As it will be a quiet day, I will fill in my calandar for next year with birthdays and car dates and other reminders. At least it gives the appearance of being organized!!

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Good morning calda. That was nice to hear from your godson x

Morning folks xx

When you're on top of each other in a confined space some spectacular hurty words can be thrown. Born from a mixture of emotions, but I reckon frustration is the main one. Have heard some pretty loud verbals between son and dil when they were staying here. Hope things work out OK, smow.

Got blue sky here but the clouds are gathering, all normal lol

//can't believe how many people walked in to watch in the middle of the film! And talked through it! //


I can, Smow - plus the eating and phone use - which is why I haven't been to the cinema since 1998!

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Good Morning Sunday Birds.

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