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What If The Labour Party Got Rid Of Starmer And Elected A Far Left Socialist As Prime Minister?

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dave50 | 09:58 Mon 23rd Dec 2024 | Politics
45 Answers

Is there any way the electorate or others could force a general election or would we be stuck with it for the next 4 years? As far as I see it under our system there would be nothing we could do about it. 



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If, as some here believe, the government is running the economy into the gutter, what's to be done?

Could the military intervene and put the country before the tired old concept of democracy?


//Could the military intervene and put the country before the tired old concept of democracy?//

If only we had a properly functioning democracy!

Or a properly functioning military.

Well, the 'Call a General Election' petition just recently hit 3 million :)

there any way the electorate or others could force a general election or would we be stuck with it for the next 4 years.

well that was what Boris did -  he sent around commissioners to the constituency and if the candidate didnt say " yes Boris is the man! I luv Boris!" they were replaced

and yes someone has said - palace coup - kick out Starmer and re-elect Corbyn

The PM is really elected by the PLP - parliamentary labour party - that is the 400 or so Labour MPs. So it cd  be done. BUT that wd mean the 400 wd have to say " we support X and now we support Y - which we did anyway but didnt tell you" - a two-faced stance I suggest  even an MP would baulk at

(note at primary school we all thought PLP meant " public leaning post" )

Well, it's the first time I have spotted right-wingers here supporting a military coup.

If, as some here believe, the government is running the economy into the gutter, what's to be done?

didnt one of the wisest of the wise ( a mod here, that is!) say repeatedly -  the people have voted, stick with it

scream scream scream - quoted out of context, yes indeed it was . It was about Brexit, a very different thing indeed.


sandyRoe a right-winger Atheist,first time i have heard him being called that?

Irony, ynnafimmy, irony.


Well, it's the first time I have spotted right-wingers here supporting a military coup.

erm a right wing armed coo is hardly a new thing

I dimly recollect table talk of it in 1973, against Harold Wilson but it went phut. Louis Mountbatten to be figurehead leader

So are you saying sandyRoe didnt call for a military coup?

Has the left-wing ever called for a military coup? (In the UK, that is).

Or a properly functioning military.

o god if the military had a function of er assisting the elected govt to govern the electors at their whim

then thank god we don't have a  properly functioning military.

crazy stuff even for AB

ynnafimmy; Yes I am saying that.

You are talking in riddles now,Brain of Britain.Has any right-wingers wanted a military coup?

Has the left-wing ever called for a military coup? (In the UK, that is).

hi Afeist ! Happy new year !

o come on come on ! examples from abroad, there was unpleasantness in eastern europe in 1917 called the  Russian Revolution. 

altho I agree with the idea that the raving trots and Greens here do not cry " send the army in"

ynnafimmy. Read the posts above and you'll find a couple.

sandyRoe one of them,which other?

You are talking in riddles now,Brain of Britain.Has any right-wingers wanted a military coup?

YnnaMynni - please dont fall into the " wot you on about den?" trap. a tedious and overused one-liner

Calling BOB,calling BOB,(Atheist)which other ABer other than sandyRoe was calling for a coup against the government?

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