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Bathroom Showers

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TEAK36 | 10:15 Sun 10th Jun 2007 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
I am looking to buy a bathroom shower, but am unsure of what type to get. I am sure that I am restricted because I have a combi boiler.

At the moment I have a mixer shower, and I have seen a nice thermostatic mixer I could buy, but what I would like to know is can I use a power shower,or an electric shower, if I have a combi boiler?


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You can install an electric shower no problem cos it's fed off the mains. A power shower would not be possible with a combi.
check d.i.y stores they will have a list of showers suitable for combi boilers
The reason why a H/C fed power shower is unlikely to work is that the rate of usage of hot water will exceed the capability of the boiler to supply it. It depends on your combi boiler. Good advice above.
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Why not fit a thermostatic bar shower mixer connected to hot and cold supplies? What is your current shower mixer?

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Bathroom Showers

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