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How Do You Make A Curriculum Diverse?

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youngmafbog | 12:04 Mon 30th Dec 2024 | News
31 Answers

Surely Mafs is Mafs and English English?  And as for history we are in the UK so predominately it should cover English History, good and bad just like other countries would.

Or am I being daft?

And what happened to "When in Rome"?

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If you have 100 people and 50% of them are TG how many of each sex to you have and what are their pronouns?

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Sadly you are probably correct.  Better to know the pronoun than how to solve a quadratic equation I suppose.

The Chinese and Russians must be laughing their bits of at us.

we are in the UK so predominately it should cover English History ...  and Irish, Welsh and Scottish.😀



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Sorry Wolf, yes it should.

And the British Oversees Territories, Crown Dependecies and the Commonwealth 😁

Sick of hearing the diversity word.

I don't think they intend educating children but rather brainwashing them.

12:44 they've been doing that for about 40 years naomi, that's why the saucepans know nothing.

This refers to my own specialist area (Mathematics) and makes perfect sense to me:

It's worth remembering though that 82% of secondary schools (and 43% of primary schools) in England and Wales are no longer obliged to follow the National Curriculum anyway. 

(Academies and free schools are free to teach what they like.  Only those that remain under the control of local authorities have to follow the National Curriculum).

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With the greates respect Buenchico that is a load of guff in that link.

Using new exciting names like Anifa and Majid rather than boring old Ann and Tom has been a feature of Maths questions for 20 years so nothing new there.

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Just refer to person A and person B.  Problem solved.

There are more "Anifa and Majid" style names than old British names despite the country being 83% white. Hardly diverse and totally pointless when learning Mafs anyway.

damn savages...

13:02 what a load of old pony, eg "islamic geometry" - perlease geometry like all maths is not allied to any sort of religion or society and introducing it is a travesty. Maths is the only universal language in the universe it should not be sullied with local trivial BS beliefs. Teach them 2+2=4 and teach them why, end of. You claim to be a specialist? No real mathemetician would entertain such row locks.

TBF though most of that in Chico's link is not really about maths it's about history.

Eg: Pascal's triangle is a great device used in many areas not least of which (after Newton) as the basis to calculate Pi to millions of places.

people growing up in the UK need to know about more history than just UK history,

"need" - really, why?

14:00 indeed they can do it in "history"!

America was the only other place I learned about when I was at boarding school in the 40's.

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