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Recently Acquired An Apple Imac Computer

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Quenched | 23:43 Mon 30th Dec 2024 | Computers
7 Answers

I was recently given an Apple Imac Computer, but it says I can't upgrade any software on it, or its operating software?

Apart from that it works fine and is still like new in appearance, but how do I upgrade the OP if its saying the Imac is basically too old. 

I think it was first bought brand new about 10 years ago.


I could just struggle on with how it is, but I'm normally only familiar with Microsoft Windows. But Apple seems a new ball game. 

Any help will be appreciated. 



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You can check the exact model, and the most recent OS available for it, here:


Go to the Apple Menu

Select about this mac.

That will tell you what model you have.

Then still in the Apple menu, chose system settings - software update.   There will be a point that the mac is no longer supported, but it will still work until any other software you use on it is no longer supported.



I have three iPads from 2005-10, none of which can be updated to any usable IOS operating system. "Inbuilt obsolescence" at its most devious. 🍏👹

>>> "Inbuilt obsolescence" at its most devious

Yes, indeed.  It seems that Apple only supports each OS for three years!

If it's truly unusable as it is you could install Linux as it's operating system, create a dual boot.

That's a whole new learning curve though

Technically obsolete but doesn't mean it won't work, I have a mid-2010 Mac Mini running High Sierra and it still works and runs the versions of software it supports so it rather depends on what you want it to do.

My iPad is technically obsolete but still works as it should. I don't worry about it

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