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brainiac | 22:48 Mon 30th Dec 2024 | News
40 Answers

Sir Winston Churchill

Sir Edward Elgar

Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Ernest Shackleton...........


Sir Gareth Southgate

a knighthood for what exactly?  Not winning anything?  How low we have sunk.



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It doesn't really matter, though, does it? These titles are no longer respected, they don't bring any direct benefits to the recipient, you won't get your head chopped off if you refuse to call somebody 'Sir' or 'Dame'.

///TBF GS has been the most sucessful manager we've had since Air Alf Ramsey.///

Not true - that accolade goes to Big Sam - 100% win record.

You are correct Barry, the value went out of them years ago.

But it does show what our "Lords and Masters" think though doesnt it?  Clearly out of step with the General public (And the TINO's before the usual start)

The only deserving one I've seen is Toby Young for founding The Free Speech Union and a few other things.

Diamond geezer! 

Every year someone points out what a farce these awards are.


Everyone must know by now they don't indicate anything particular.

I note that some a handful of the victims of the Post Office/Horizon outrage have got gongs to accompany the Knighhood that Alan Bates was awarded.

I'm sure they would all rather have the sums due to them and their colleagues who have not been recognised. Perhaps whoever makes up these lists thinks a medal on a bit of ribbon will keep them quiet for a bi longer.

I wonder how their award was phrased. How about "For getting stitched up/ called a liar/ made bankrupt/ prosecuted/ convicted/ imprisoned/ driven to suicide" (delete as appropriate).

'Since Sadiq succeeded Boris Johnson in 2016, knife crime has increased by more than 50 per cent, and violent crime has soared despite a 71 per cent increase in the portion of council tax that Londoners pay to City Hall.

Earlier this year, families of young people killed in the capital said the Mayor had “completely lost control” of the streets.

Sir Sadiq said he was “truly humbled” to receive his knighthood. But a petition against him being knighted, which followed reports that it was in the pipeline, has attracted more than 200,000 signatures in less than a month.

Chris Philp, the shadow home secretary, said Londoners would be “furious” at Sir Sadiq’s knighthood, which amounted to “rewarding failure”.

He said: “Under Sadiq Khan, Londoners have faced a 61 per cent increase in knife crime, a housing crisis and a 70 per cent increase in council tax – they will rightly be furious his track record of failure is being rewarded.

“By rewarding the failing Sadiq Khan, Keir Starmer has shown once again that for Labour it is party first, country second.”'

The Telegraph today.

22.57 ..Lord elp🤣

Thank you for mentioning Kevin Sinfield, 10 Clarion St. 

He is an absolute hero for what he's done and the difference he has made and if anyone deserves a special honour, it's him i.m.o..


It's all very subjective, if you like the person its ok if not then not. No pop star ones this year?

I can only imagine that Kevin Sinfield quietly declined ...

7:59 - not in the slightest, but I also care very little for the political back-slapping that is the honours list. It doesn't mean much nowadays.


.... the ermine robes cost a bomb!

Kevin Sinfield received a CBE a couple of years ago and the way that the awards system works is that he can't be given a knighthood until a couple of years have passed.

If anyone's new status has made a mockery of the system it's Sadiq Khan's.  Shameful little man.


We have to award for  runners up these days

....and of course there's more than one knighthood...


Why has Beckham been ignored?

Looks as though he is being black balled.

I note that some a handful of the victims  ..... accompany the Knighhood that Alan Bates was awarded.

and I noticed one comment: I wd rather have the  money

You ruin someone and then when it comes time to pay (restitution) - you say oh oh we didnt ruin you that much !

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