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Am In So Much Pain. Is It Because I'm A Drunk?

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nailedit | 21:23 Mon 30th Dec 2024 | Body & Soul
26 Answers

I posted last week that I had twice been in A&E with pain under my right rib cage. Both times (after a CT scan and an x-ray) found nothing, I was sent home with a prescription for co codomol.


If I try to be still its not too bad but im in a lot of pain when moving. Its getting worse. Im in a lot of pain to the point where I can't sleep. People tell me to go to my GP but what for if A&E can't find anything?


Im in bloody agony here but no point in calling 999 or 101 again. All gets puts down to drink. Without ever explaing exactly how.


I am in some serious pain....

I try to make lite of stuff as a distraction but I am serously worried at the moment.



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Your son was very brave to do what he did, Nails. I hope they find those morons.

Did you buy your grandaughter's bike?

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No Tills,

I put her money in the bank every xmas/birthday for for when she's older....


I encoraged my son to just get in his car but he's a bit hot headed. Had to give him a shove. Idiots witha a gun!!!

Anyway, Thats me holding a loaf 😁


What is the dose of cocodamol you are taking? Are you taking the full dose (the right amount of tablets at the correct intervals)? There are many different kinds of painkillers, which are all available for your GP to prescribe (if you would just see them) you accuse the people at the hospital of making assumptions based on your alcohol intake, but you are making assumptions of medical staff IE that they can't or won't help you. Assessing pain in a and e is just about the worst place  to get a pain assessment. 

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Sorry bednobs, didnt mean to miss your post

(my heads all over the place at the moment)


Yes, Ive taken meds as prescribed.

30 mg (up to ) 4 times daily.

Theyve all but gone now but I have others from the chemist.


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//Assessing pain in a and e is just about the worst place  to get a pain assessment//


would have thought it was about the best place??


Having said that, I had a cousin some years ago who ended up in A&E with sickness. Was told there was nothing wrong and it will pass. She died of cancer a few months later. How the hell do you NOT detect that. She was 53...

i remember a work colleague of years ago who said she screamed and screamed with the pain down her side too and it was connected to the either kidney stones, gall bladder or gall stones - she said the pain was terrible

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Am In So Much Pain. Is It Because I'm A Drunk?

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