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naomi24 | 17:09 Tue 31st Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
36 Answers

... who doesn't like New Year's Eve? 



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Used to enjoy going to the local with friends until midnight, until one year some idiot nutted my mates girl friend because she wouldn't give him a kiss, he was 50 and 6ft 2" she was 20 and 5ft tall. He ended up thrown out and his wife divorced him.

Same as Easter/Halloween/Bonfire night. Just another way of screwing money out of the public.  Most pub's  in York are charging a entrance fee. 

πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡πŸŽ†Anyway. Happy new year to all.πŸŽ‡πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡

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Like some others here, I find it quite sad.  If we're not out I tend to go to bed before the celebrations begin.

I quite like NYE but a lot of Americans have flown in for the occasion and you have to queue to get in the restaurants because the operate a no-reservations policy at this resort and tonight all the restaurants are doing set menus which I don't fancy if I'm honest. 

We'll see the NY in 4 hours after you so let me wish all of you a very happy New Year now as I'm off to get ready. May 2025 be your best year yet ✨️ ❀️ πŸ€— πŸ₯³ ✨️ 

Thank you curlyfries - and the same good wishes to you.  :) x

It means very little to me naomi24. I'm in bed by 10.45. Read a little, iPad a little then, zzzzz. Wishing you, and all ABs a healthy New Year. 2025.

Ego sum cubitum ire bonam noctem πŸ™‚

I'm in the neither like or dislike camp. I've spent it on my own for used to be an excuse for special treats...none this year as my Sainsbury's order isn't until tomorrow night. I may have a hot chocolate with added chocolate booze and vanilla whipped cream...mmmm! rude of me...HAPPY NEW YEAR!! πŸΎπŸ•›πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ₯‚

I hate the countdown, always have.  Makes me cringe with embarrassment

I was stuck in a lift on holiday during the 'Big Countdown' some years ago. I eventually tottered out after all the kisses had been done, thankfully πŸ˜… 

I used to really love it when I was younger, ringing all my friends and family Happy New year at the strike of Midnight. But as you get older I think it just becomes another year with more uncertainty. 

Sad but true. 

Yes, after 80 of them, the gloss fades.

Apologies for the latin at 22:55 - I tend to speak in tongues when I'm tight ( vodka, pils and wine).

It (should) mean, I'm going to bed, good night!

to which I neglected to add; 'novus annus'  happy new year.


You are waiting for the Planck moment in time when 2024 became 2025, so it's usually going to be an anticlimax.

Always went out when I was young to rammed solid pubs and we would gather in the street for the actual New Year moment. These days usually at home. Had a bit of a sleep in the evening then got up to watch the fireworks on the BBC.

One year closer to the return of Jesus

//One year closer to the return of Jesus//

Delusional 🀣

Armageddon out of here!

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