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My Trip Online

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chokkie | 11:06 Wed 01st Jan 2025 | Travel
8 Answers

Hey guys... and a happy new year to you all.  Somehow we  managed to get subscribed/scammed by a company called My Trip Online.  And they are charging us 79 euros per quarter for the " privilege".  We are calling our bank this morning to get them to cancel the payments,  it does anyone know how we can unsubscribe to these people.  Have checked reviews and they are mostly rubbish.    Would appreciate a bit of advice please.  Cheers, Chox.



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Ypu're doing the best thing by contacting the bank asap. Is it coming from your credit card, or bank account? Is it a DD or Continuous Payment Authority.

Do you know how you signed up? It may help warn others to know how it happened?

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Thanks for your advice.  Unfortunately, the bank is closed today, but we'll call them tomorrow.  Mr. Chox has just discovered that it all stems from a trip we took to Budapest in the summer.  I was insistent that we booked Priority boarding with the outward airline (not quite sure why though) and the sign up to this company was buried in the Ts and Cs  .....   But thanks again.  We don't know if it's a DD or CPA, and it's definitely one of our credit cards, because it's one we don't use very often, so it sticks out like a sore thumb!  Thanks again ...

Never heard of a direct debit on a credit card account.

It's not really a direct debit. More a recurring payment. I have them for a few companies - legitimate 

It's a CPA - continuous payment authority and they can be a pain

^OP said they didn't know if it was a DD or a CPA...hence my comment.

You must contact the company.  You have given them authority to take payments from your credit card account. It differs from a direct debit where you give the bank the authority to make payments to a company.

Although credit card companies should stop payments it can be harder to cancel than direct debits.

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Thanks for the further advice. Much appreciated.  Chox 

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