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Well Thank God That's All Over!

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dave50 | 10:58 Wed 01st Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
16 Answers

I'm talking about Christmas and new year. People being bullied and guilt tripped into spending money they cant afford. Endless Christmas and new year parties where you spend half the time looking at your watch wondering what's the earliest time you can go home without any comments from the annoying party animals. The wearing of stupid unfunny Christmas jumpers. We going away next year, somewhere out of the way. Yes I am a miserable sod but I don't care.



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Happy New Year, Dave.  🤣

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Oh I forgot to mention,  auld lang syne and you'll never walk alone. Cant stand when everyone joins hands singing those two most annoying songs ever. Makes me want to vomit. 

I usually spend Christmas alone these days, and it's a personal choice, but I don't know why but this year it felt different and I was overwhelmed by a sense of isolation.  Might volunteer or something next year

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And to you Naomi!

thankfully I'm past all that nonsense - don't feel the slightest bit pressured nowadays...

Cheer up, Dave

Only 51 weeks to go until you can unenjoy it all over again.

"Endless Christmas and new year parties..." - you must be very popular, dave50 & good on you - take the family & friends while you can, because when they're gone, you'll realise just how lucky you were to have had them.

I've spoken to 9 people in the last fortnight - 2 phone calls, 2 neighbours, 2 bus drivers, 2 Tesco delivery drivers & a ♫pharmacist in Boots♫ (keeping it festive, ya know).

Why not go the full misere dave and now do the'Dry January'?



You can stay at home and read a book or do what you want to one is forcing you to go to parties or put up a tree or decorations. Also no one is forcing you to over eat or over indulge in can have a quite Xmas at home and just ignore it all if you wish noone is holding a gun to your head forcing you to get involved....

To Quote Ebenezer Scrooge....;" Bah, Humbug!!!"

Yes its all over........ for 6 months. 

Try a fortnight on the Costas as a change.

Our first time away at this time of year and what an eye opener.

It's actually about the baby Jesus and not Nintendo or Apple. All quite low key and, well, nice.

It's why I'm fond of January Dave. It represents the end of the silly season, its a long time till next Christmas and the daylight hours are already 5minutes longer than they were 2 weeks ago!

Two questions that really grind my gears:

1. Are you ready for Christmas?

2. Have you had a nice Christmas?


A kindred spirit dave50. I have yet to witness the putting away of a ridicules amount of decorative nonsense, for example, six very large Santa dolls all staring at me.

As I was only saying to Elon Musk on the phone last evening, 'misery is as manifold as the rainbow; its hues are as various as the hues of that arch' and he agreed.

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Well Thank God That's All Over!

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