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Games Quiz

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bogdan | 13:04 Wed 01st Jan 2025 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers

games quiz closing date 10/1/25

can anyone help with my last two

6 - snitch on the cow (6 letters)

12 - little molly's clue (6 letters)



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I think everybody is looking for no. 6.

I've seen 12 answered as Tennis.

Can you help with 22 & 35?

Question Author

22 - mikado

35 - bankrupt

Never heard of those games.

Been trying all sorts of alternate words for snitch eg. lie and for cow eg. moo but still can't get it!

A grasser is a snitch and is a cow bred for beef which receives no other feed than the pasture on which it grazes. But that is 7 letters and doesn' t really account for the "on" in the clue. So the search for an answer goes on!

bOXing has been suggested on the basis that it's OX inside BING (from Friends I think who was said to be a snitch).

I'm not convinced though.

Snitch is SING but soxing isn't a   sport

maybe it's snitch as in nose, bill, neb, snout etc

Iffy/  Tellox (tell = snitch on) seems to be associated with a video game but doesn't seem to be an actual game?

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