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Credit Where It's Due.....

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ToraToraTora | 10:26 Thu 02nd Jan 2025 | News
36 Answers

While you are at it, abolish the whole show and replace with an elected upper house.



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A second house following the party whips.

What could go wrong?

Credit why?  He'll use it to his party's advntage.  

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10:33 well he can do that anyway, just added a load of cronies!

I just think it's correct that we should not have HOL members that are only there because of their ancestors.

We shouldn't have a House of Lords that consists of government selected people either but he doesn't object to that.  No credit from me for multiple-faced hypocrite.

It's the Bash Street Kids v. Lord Snooty - that's about the level of these clowns. 

Hereditary peers are a part of the British way of life, do no harm at all, bring a unique perspective to government, and are more than counter-balanced by hundreds of nominated peers of all stripes. 

But they're all 'toffs' - and well educated ones too - so they must go. 

 What a pathetic, vindictive government Britain now has.

Jess Phillips, Angela Rayner, Lammy, Starmer, Reeves & Cooper etc. , I wouldn't want them as my parish councillors let alone running the country.

Hereditary peers are capable of doing a great deal of harm, khandro.  The unelected shouldn't be there at all.  This initiative, implemented by crafty design is intended solely to create a second house stuffed with Labour cronies, it will do nothing to remedy that - and that is the intention.  With the rumoured introduction of voting for 16 year olds I fear that this government is intent on creating a system that imposes their flavour of politics on this country permanently.  

n. //Hereditary peers are capable of doing a great deal of harm, khandro.//

To whom & how ?

Former Conservative Government advisor; James Price opines;

Speaking as an openly arriviste, state schoolboy with a chip on his shoulder, it pains me to say that the hereditary peers were, almost without exception, more hard-working, dedicated and serious about their constitutional role than anyone else I’ve ever dealt with in politics. And I say this as someone who was the Special Adviser to the Leader of the House of Lords through Getting Brexit Done and the early Covid drama.

Just being a peer can be a nice little earner.  They can claim £342 - tax-free - for each day they turn up, plus travel expenses and up to £100 per night hotel costs.  Not bad, eh? 

Khandro, I can't take your questions seriously.   What do you think the Lords do?

n. It's for you to answer my question, to your assertion at 11:14   not twist it into another one.

It's a long time since I went there but I can't imagine it's any less awful now than it was then.

It's a start, as said above the whole lot should be elected with the election 1/2 through a parliament.

Shugar, wrong thread.  Could anyone move it to the Bradford thread please.

LB, it will be be quicker to copy and paste it in the correct thread.

"Lords" have no place in a civilized society. the french knew very well what to do with them. but short of that abolishing their titles without compensation will do very nicely.

^^ Oh the spite and envy of the left ! 

Khandro, I'll give you an example.  The Lords - all unelected - blocked the Rwanda scheme five times.  Is that acceptable?

i'm not envious of lordships. i just don't think "my ancestor raped and plundered his way to prominence" is a good reason to sit in my country's legislature. 

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untitled knows the full familly history of all of them! Right oh!

The Lords blocked Rwanda five times; the elected party scrapped it altogether, within a very short time of being in power.

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