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If There Was A General Election Tomorrow …

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naomi24 | 15:09 Sun 08th Dec 2024 | Politics
36 Answers

... which party would you vote for?  



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tweedledum and tweedledee should be consigned to the last century. A government of compromise could take the the country forward without continually flip-flopping betwen extremes.

Reform. This attitude that anything other than con/lab is a wasted vote, is a defeatist acceptance of the status quo.

// FPTP tends to lead to a government with the ability to govern as they wish//

YES - that's the whole bloody problem !

Reform.  I don't think Badenoch is tough enough - she's starting from the po.v. of trying to keep ECHR etc. and amend things.


Badenoch or her successor has four years to turn things around

shouldnt it be 'were' - if there were an election

because the condition is never gonna be filled ( closed conditional)

My own grouse is that "was" an imperfect is used in a future sense  - noo noo noo

If they promise to leave the ECHR it would be reform,send all the illegals already here back, and stop any future boats full of illegals from landing on our shores.

"YES - that's the whole bloody problem !"

Why is it a problem, dave?

The purpose of a government is to govern. That cannot be done if everything they want to do has to be subject to a compromise. That way everybody gets what nobody wants (or voted for).

In a coalition government not everyone takes part. It is made up of parties with similar aims & proposed actions whilst toning down some of the more extreme ideologies that a single party may have. It does not have to be moribund & unable to govern effectively.

I don't see why we always have to have a government which alienates half the electorate & takes the country off in a direction that its successor will try to reverse. It's daft.

Lib Dems. 

In fact that's who I voted for this time. 


The Subjunctive Party :)

Green, as I did last time

the purpose of the government in a democratic country is to govern (within reason) according to the wishes of the people. doing that necessitates compromise and indeed compromise is an essential part of governing. i agree completelt with davebro


of course undemocratic countries don't need to worry so much about it. i get the impression that many people in the UK would actually prefer not to live in a democratic country but do not wish to say so out loud.

thankfully, there wont be.  we only had one six months ago. We are not italy!

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