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gulliver1 | 10:55 Fri 03rd Jan 2025 | News
62 Answers

Elton Musk is continuing to Criticise the newly elected ...*with a huge majority* ...Labour Government, by calling on the KING to dissolve Parliament.



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The Conservatives were in power for 14 years from 2010, and Trump (with his Scottish mother and his golf courses in Britain) was in power in the USA for four of those years, and what did they do between them about these grooming gangs?  Nothing.  Trump even met the Queen during that time ... ;) It would be great if something could be done, but this is more about Musk (Twitter handle: "Kekius Maximus" - ) having fun at the British establishment for his own amusement and Twitter prominence, at a time when Twitter is tanking; and ramping some crypto-currency at the same time. The idea that anybody serious would change their opinion because "Musk said it" is nuts.

Elon Musk is continuing to Criticise the newly elected shambles of Labour UKGov. 

Well done Elon, keep it up.

Great dollops of money might unbalance our parliamentary system.

If it was discovered that Putin planned to fund a political party here in the UK would that be thought acceptable?

gulliver;; //Thatcher even invited Kiddie Fiddlers to Chequers for afternoon tea //

No,no,no! she most definitely did not. She invited someone who was a celebrity fund-raiser for a charity, and was later found out to be a paedophile.

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Khandro you are talking rubbish again. Thatcher must have known about Saville. His movements  and habits would have all been checked out by senior Police and crime Squad before he was even allowed through the Gates of Chequers. She knew he was dodgy.

witter handle: "Kekius Maximus" 

Kack is used in numerous languages for poo-poo

(In one interview an Israeli PM asked (no Angleesh) of an interviewer "Did she just say I was head of the Kack Party? " and then in those un-woke days gave a dirty laugh

She knew he was dodgy.

I dont think we can usefully wonder what was momentarily in a dead persons mind

I mean Gullz what is in your deah wife's mind as she cooks your dinner?

And Sir Peter Morrison, another colleague of Thatcher, how could he have passed a security check?

Jimmy Saville wasn't prosecuted in 2009 - guess who was the boss of the CPS at the time.

oh dear Peter Morrison - i had to look him up

thatcher did not feel it necessary.....

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I see Musk is also calling for the release of Tommy Robinson.

For Peter's benefit:

"Kekius" appears to be a Latinisation of "kek", a word roughly equivalent to "laugh out loud" popularised by gamers but now often associated with the alt right.

"Kek" is also the name of the ancient Egyptian god of darkness, who is sometimes depicted with the head of a frog.

Many people would link "Maximus" to the name of Russell Crowe's heroic character in the film Gladiator, Maximus Decimus Meridius.

Mr Musk's new profile image depicts Pepe in Roman military dress holding what appears to be a game console.

ie he's just pulling your levers ...

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Musk has also expressed support for The EDL.

Is any of gulliver's little helpers going to find a link for the above?

Or is gulliver allowed to spout any old carp because he doesn't have the intelligence to post a link?

gulliver//I see Musk is also calling for the release of Tommy Robinson//

So have thousands of others who have signed the petition seeking fairness for him including myself.                                Musk is on the ball once again.

A lot of fuss about nothing. He has as much right to express these views as uk citizens have to comment on Trump or Biden or Macron, or as ex pats had to complain about Boris or brexit when they didn't even vote. It's not as if the King will take any notice of Musk.


Musk isn't hoping that the King will do his bidding, he's simply trying to influence the masses; you know. like influencers do. He knows he's got far more wealth and power than any king, and he sees a lovely future where kings, PM's, even dictators will kneel before him. Trouble is, there other mega's will appear and they will have to scrap amongst themselves until there is only one left. World domination?

Has he railed against Victoria Bowen's sentence - I doubt it.

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Khandro 12.48.You are well starry eyed with Thatcher.She and her Security team new everything  about her jimmy and every clunk click on every trip he made to the Stoke Manderville .

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