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Fountain Pens

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Canary42 | 19:21 Thu 02nd Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
21 Answers

I came across an ad in a magazine for a Limited Edition Churchill 150th Anniversay Fountain Pen (no price shown).  "That would be quite nice" I thought (must be over 50 years since I used a fountain pen) so went along to the website as directed. 

Ooops, I know it's L E but £600, no thanks. But then I decided to browse "ordinary" fountain pens from same source, only to find the cheapest was £370.  I was flabbergasted, how do they justify that - is it the 18 carat gold nib ?  Or am I out of touch in this respect ?

Any regular fountain pen users out there ?  I would be interested in any comments.

So back to the felt tip 😁.



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Have owned loads of fountain pens over the years,  mostly Parker, and Waterman, but am seriously considering an entry level Mont Blanc, with some of the money left over from Mums insurance.   However on looking into pens generally there are some seriously good Japanese ones.  Will go to the Pen Shop and try a few in my hand. Currently using  one of a set of four I bought from Temu of all places. It's the best balanced I have ever used, but only problem I can't get an oblique italic nib for it.  Everyday writing perfectly acceptable.

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