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Bbc Quiz : Annual / Week 1

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Buenchico | 18:39 Fri 03rd Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
32 Answers

Good evening all!


Happy New Year!


Firstly, left over from last week, we've got still two of the four parts of Aunty Beeb's big annual quiz to have a go at.  I scored a somewhat mediocre SIX out of thirteen with the July to September section:


Proving that my short term memory is appalling, I could only manage a lowly FOUR out of thirteen in the October to December bit:


Despite that lousy short term memory problem though, I got a decent enough (in my opinion) score of FIVE out of seven in this week's regular quiz:


Having surprised us with a junior version of the annual quiz last week, Aunty hasn't yet got around to setting the normal weekly kids' quiz for us to have a go at 😒


However there's an entertaining little quiz about Christmas to have a go at here:
(I scored THREE out of five)


Your turn, folks!



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Good Evening, Chris and a very Happy New Year to yoy, Chequers, Moonbeam and Tablo!

My scores are 9/13, 8/13, 5/7 and a 2/5 for the Xmas quiz.

Just got back from a lovely family meal tonight and looking forward to another celebration with more family tomorrow and my baby granddaughter for my Mum's birthday. 

It was lovely sunny weather to be out and about today albeit a bit cold, but feels like colder weather is definitely now on its way. It may be time to hibernate for a while with hot drinks, blankets and hopefully a few good movies or dramas to watch on the TV. 

Wishing you and the kitties a wonderful week and also a wonderful year ahead :-)

Evening, Buenchico and everyone.
I got low to middling, as usual, on the first three quizzes. 4 out of 5 for the last. 
I hope you and kitties are keeping warm. 



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Hi, Karamia!

Thanks for your New Year's greetings from me, Moonbeam, Tablo and Chequers.  We all hope that you'll have a wonderful year too!

Well done on getting some very impressive scores among that lot!

I'm glad that you've been having an enjoyable time lately.  I was planning to get out in the sunshine this afternoon but I ended up working on the poster to advertise the next quiz that I'll be running at our local community centre.  (Things weren't helped when I got an email from the bar manager, who now wants the quiz to have a Valentine's Day theme, as I'd spent several hours last night working on a poster for an 'Absolutely-Nothing-To-Do-With-Valentine's-Day' quiz!).

[Not that it matters at all but I don't think that you ever got around to trying the last big quiz that I set.  If you're still interested, the download link for the zip file is about to expire, so you'll need to be quick to get hold of it: ]

Enjoy your period of hibernation!

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Hi, Clover.

'Low to middling' reads a bit like my school reports used to 😊

The kitties and I are definitely keeping warm, thank you.  I only heat one room in the house (my bedroom-cum-TV~room-cum-study-cum-radio~shack) but, unsurprisingly, that's where the feline trio have set up camp alongside me.  So we're all nice and cosy.

I hope that you'll have a warm and prosperous 2025!

Only done the first set so far. 8/13.

Stay cosy, Buen and Co.

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Better than me already, Tilly2!

Part of me says that I just want to stay cosy indoors with the cats but another bit of me says that I'd benefit from getting out into the fresh (but cold!) air tomorrow.  I think that I'll just have to see how I feel when the time comes!

I hope that you're warm and cosy and that 2025 will be a good year for you 😊

Evening Chris, everyone.

2/13, 3/7, and 2/5.

I console myself with the thought that as the year progresses things can only get better.

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Hi Sandy!

Happy New Year!

Maybe things might get better with the quiz that you've missed above?  

Happy New Year to you and kitties, Buen.

I'm still not firing on all cylinders -Mr.J2 survived the pneumonia and was moved into a rehab hospital on Sunday, doing great on physio on Monday - on i.v. fluids again on Wed. - there is gastric flu and norovirus in that ward.  He was v ill again, but is pulling round.  They have closed the ward to I can't visit... but today I was sick and I don't feel freat so it looks as if I've caught it from visiting.  Will it ever end?

However, exercised such brain cells as I have and: 4/13; 8/13 and 5/7 is the result.

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At least it seems that you're brain is functioning pretty well, Jourdain2, even if some of the other bits of you aren't!  (You missed the last quiz though).

I hope that you and Mr J2 will be fully fit soon and able to look forward to a wonderful year in 2025!

3/13,4/13,5/7,3/5. Scores back to normal. Bailey has his next appointment with the vet this week, face looks a little better to me, let's hope the vets agree. Puss Puss has found a new bag to sleep in inbetween cuddling under the duvet. Hope the New Year finds you all well

Do get out for a walk if it's still cold tomorrow.

I managed to persuade myself to go out on the beach, and it was lovely. We don't get many days like this now. 

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At least you had no real disasters among your scores, Campbellking!

I hope that Bailey is well on the way to recovery.  Just like Puss Puss, Moonbeam found somewhere new to sleep recently, which was on top of my pyjamas, next to the pillow on my bed.  Fortunately I've got plenty of other pairs of pyjamas but it has meant that my movement in bed has been severly restricted for the past week or so. 

I put those pyjamas in the wash this afternnon, replacing them with a lovely soft cat blanket.  So I hope that Moonbeam will still be happy when I go to bed.  (At the moment, he and Chequers seem to be taking up the whole of my bed between them, while Tablo is sitting directly in front of the fan heater that's keeping my bedroom/study warm.  I know that she'll cuddle up on top of me when I go to bed though!)

We all hope that you and your feline companions will have a wonderful 2025!

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I'm hoping to get back to Horsey Gap beach, where I got some great shots of the seals three years ago, fairly soon, Clover.  (I might wait until there's less chance of ice on the rural roads out that way though).

Seal pics here:

Sorry to butt in folks 


Would you mind having a look at my post in technology regarding Antivirus protection for a Chromebook - please ?

Good evening Buen & Happy New Year! x

Last two regular quiz:-


3 😁 

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^^^ No rest for the wicked then, Baz?

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'Pass marks', I'd say, anyway, Patsy 😉

Happy New Year!

Next bit...5/13. Hopeless!

Hey Chris and kitties!

Have only done the weekly and surprised myself with a few correct guesses which helped with the 5/7 scoreline :)

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