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Airbag Lights...

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thelewisgang | 20:48 Fri 03rd Jan 2025 | Motoring
10 Answers

I bought a Peugeot 108 64 reg in October '24 and like it but I have a query that the manual can't answer.  On the top of the dashboard there are two illuminated airbag lights. Sometimes both of them stay on but more often than not, the light on the left hand side of the attached image, comes on with the ignition then goes off after a minute or so.  I am just curious to know if this is right. Thank you for any replies...



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On my motor the passenger airbag light is of or on depending whether there is a passenger in the seat. 

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Thanks for your reply. I haven't had a passenger in my car for some time so these airbag lights have always behaved this way.

Looking at your photos I thought that was the seatbelt lights.

Look at (numbered) page 9 here:

^I agree...those illuminated icons refer to seatbelt.

"Passenger Air Bag" is a different icon, which may or may not illuminate depending on whether or not it's active.

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that is interesting.  I am now thinking the left hand light is to do with rear seat belts.  I will have to reluctantly ask my local garage to confirn this. I say "reluctantly" as I had my previous car written off approaching their premises by a white van man driver just a few weeks ago. He was blinded by the sun and just did not see my bright purple car!!

Your 108 has rear passenger aitbag sensors in the seatbelt fastening and sensors in the seats to check whether there is an occupant. You aren't carrying bags of cement on the back seat are you? 😂

Try different combinations of having the seatbelts plugged in and loose and see what results you get.

The LH light (red) indicates the rear seatbelts are not fastened - I think that should only illuminate if there are passengers in the rear.

The RH light (amber) is simply a reminder of the front passenger airbag status - ON for adult / OFF for child in a carrier - and will always be lit.

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thank you to everyone who made suggestions about the lights. I appreciate you taking the time to reply to me.

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