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The Power Of Affirmation.

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sandyRoe | 10:17 Fri 03rd Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
17 Answers

I just had an email with this heading.

I didn't read it, but could it have been a modern version of:

In every day in every way

I am getting better and better?



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I gave an affirmation to the Crown Court when I did Jury duty πŸ˜

I was 'excused' from Jury duty for lifeπŸ™‚

How can I possibly get better and better every day when I'm already perfect anyway?

I turned up for jury duty looking a bit like Quasimodo ( radiotherapy to orbit) and they asked "christ are you fit for this?"

People affirm their marriage vows ( re-swear something that you can only swear once)

 when I'm already perfect anyway?

come on come on you atheist, these are attributes of God ( immutability and perfection and lots more)

and you cheeky chico, bits of you arent perfect!

^^^ You've been peeking, PP!


Perfection is like infinity. There are different levels of infinity, likewise there are different levels of perfection. Some of us are way ahead in the race upwards πŸ˜‰

perfection as in " I am good at French irregular but not so good at German"

weeelll - perfection is that which cannot  be made better - and just to point out is irrelevant if it is countable ( Cantor) or uncountable

so no I dont agree that there are many kinds of perfection

That's because you aren't perfect (like the mods).

OK st Anselm 1085 - take your two perfections - and put them in order  - the one at the top is nearer to God

the secnd one needs a bit of umph ( = not God)

AB has gained a bit of new year va va voom today innit

do you think that soon the mods will SSSTTTTRRRRIIKKKE ?

That's because you aren't perfect (like the mods).   The mods are like angels - and they never sin !

They have had a busy christmas - can you think of them going to every nativitiy ( singly) and saying -  "I am Gabriel and you will have a lickle baby" - wow I wd need a rest after that, but hey, here they are

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Another self-improvement rhyme comes to mind:  I must I must

I must improve my bust.

Could that be from How to win friends and influence people?

^^^ It's from a 1970 novel, Sandy,_Margaret.

Let's try that again!

^^^ It was released as a movie in 2023:

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The phrases that lodge themselves in the back of ones mind.

Strange, or what?

o god Jung wd have something to say about that

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