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Do You Believe People Have A Right To Not Be Offended?

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beancrisp | 20:42 Sat 04th Jan 2025 | Law
15 Answers

I don't think they do because it goes against freedom of expression. 



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Well, I'm not offended by this question.

I'm very rarely offended. Where does that leave me?


Offence is taken and not given.

I rarely go out of my way to post comments deliberately to cause offence but if someone reading them takes offence, that is their problem.

Of course people have a right to not be offended. Lots of things I don't find offensive.

I you sure you worded this how you intended?

Some years ago I bought a book of politically incorect jokes. In the forward the compiler made the comment that, if someone punches you on the nose, it hurts, you have no choice but be hurt. If someone tries to offend you you can choose whether or not to be offended - just choose not to. Personally, if someone tries to offend me I agree with them and it completely throws them.

AB seems to think that posters should not use offensive language to other posters.

It depends what you mean by offended?


If someone wrongly accused me of something I haven't done or been a part of then obviously I would be offended, because the person behind the accusation obviously hasn't done their homework on me, and even worse if they already know me that is awful as they should know better. 

Sure, offence is taken, but we know many, probably most or all, don't consciously choose to be offended; it's a subconscious decision that affects one's conscious state. In addition it is well known that one can deliberately choose to set off this automatic reaction by choice of words and/or actions.


I don't believe one has any right not to be offended, it wouldn't be enforceable anyway; however I think everyone has a duty not to be deliberately offensive in order to cause a situation; this world can be tough enough as it is.


Be nice, not nasty.

Being 'offended' is just a lazy way of dealing with something one disagrees with but CBA doing anything about except moaning.

The backstop of the purple rinse and flat cap 'brigades'.

I don't think they do because it goes against freedom of expression. Very American

we dont have any of that freedom of speech crap here

we all agree that no one is allowed to shout "Fire" in a cinema so freedoom expression ( even in the Land of the Free and even Pres Trump) is limited

so is this one?

depends on the fact I suppose -  altho it is allowed to say "bomb all the hospitals in Gaza flat AND the patients in them" we in the UK cannot support the IRA

Note - good sounds BBC series on Stakeknife. - full of woke offence warnings. General gist: the Oirish were killing each other with gusto and THEN the Brits came in and started killing the IRA ! - how un English

AB  thinks that posters should not use offensive language to other posters.

Afeist - I have only sent good remarks and heart emojis to you. You are a star

AB has a thing about being mimsy ( un mimsy really really bad)

I think you need to separate offensive posts on a place like AB and offence taken generally.

Anybody who owns a website such as AB or who runs a publication such as the Daily Bugle can make whatever rules they like to govern the content of their organs. Those rules can be subjective and be subject to the particular views or feelings of the people controlling the outlets.

However, I have an idea that the OP is thinking a bit more broadly than that. I think there is a view among many people now – particularly younger people – that they are entitled to go through life without hearing anything which they consider offensive, or even just (in their view) unpleasant or with which they simply disagree.

They are wrong. They should expect to - and will - hear things in all those categories and they must learn to deal with it. The trouble is they are being assisted in their beliefs by various authorities who actively seek to ensure that their delicate dispositions are not disturbed by “nasty” things which they might see or hear. They are wrong as well.

Offence can never be given only taken

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The people who agree with the conviction of Mark Meechan believe people have a right to not be offended.

Are there many of them?

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Do You Believe People Have A Right To Not Be Offended?

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