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Where Does My Neighbour Stand?

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Quenched | 22:16 Sat 04th Jan 2025 | Property
20 Answers

Asking for my neighbour who is a single Mum of two young children. 


Shes basically renting a house that is suffering terrible mold upstairs mostly in the childrens bedrooms, as well as her own. 


Shes been complaining to her landlord for years but he does nothing about it. 


Where does she stand, and how can she go about taking it further?





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Citizens Advice Bureau is a good start.



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I never have any luck with Citizens advice, and their a nightmare to speak to on the phone. 

Environmental health?

First establish what is causing the mould. Is it from perhaps leaks from the roof, or is it from insufficient ventilation and heating?

How are these rooms heated?

Definitely environment health via the council.

It's the landlord's responsibility to determine the cause, not the tenant's

if its been going on for years, she should move?

all the suggestions in the world won't force a landlord to do anything about it. Move.

How to Clean Mould on Walls in Three Steps

1.Mix one part bleach to four parts water.

2.Wipe and gently scrub the mould until it is gone.

3.Finish by wiping away the bleach mixture and dry the area well with a soft cloth.

My youngest son & his gf had exactly this in their first flat last year. Landlord tried to blame them. They bought humidifiers, bleached walls, everything - it just came back. In the end they just gave up and moved to a decent flat with no mould. 

If there's no leaks of water from outside or from the plumbing it's probably a case of inadequate heating, poor ventilation & moisture from cooking and drying washing.

There's no chance of a solution unless the cause is found.

^^ I agree, & God helps those who help themselves,  - at least that's how I was brought up.

Of course if it is being caused by some serious external problem that might be beyond you.

I see they are plugging heated clothes driers on TV as a more economic alternative to tumble driers. Failing to mention that the moisture they produce must be dissipated by good ventilation to avoid condensation & mold.

I don't see them as an alternative to tumble driers. They are an alternative to the good old-fashioned clothes horse.

they do offer a cost comparison between their product & a tumble drier...

of electricity consumption

IF washing is being dried in the house that will be the cause especially if the windows are not kept open.  Not many people would want to keep their windows open during this weather.

Yes, It's basic science; all the moisture in the clothes simply transfers into the drier air in the room, so what was dry air is now laden with water and is humid.

The tumble drier has, or should have, an exhaust tube to the outside of the house.  

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Where Does My Neighbour Stand?

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