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Why Were The Edinburgh New Year Celebrations Cancelled?

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Khandro | 17:39 Fri 03rd Jan 2025 | News
67 Answers

Was it really because of a bad weather forecast, or did the Islamists win again? 



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I don't recall the reds bombing buses/tubes/concerts or beheading soldiers in the street - RIP Lee Rigby.

Their influence isn't hidden. 

then why make things up naomi? "Islamists" were not responsible for the edinburgh new year celebrations being cancelled. 

Why ask me?  Ask those who are saying it.

because you appear to support the claims about edinburgh new year.

Really?  Try reading what's said.  See my post at 11.18 Saturday.

if you don't agree with the whole premise of the thread--which is that islamists were responsible for the nye celebrations in edinburgh being cancelled--then what are we arguing about? that false allegation is the topic of the thread.

Dunno.  You're the one who's been banging on about communists.

not a complicated analogy i would have thought but it's alright. next time i'll be more inclusive and keep it very very simple

Good idea.  You'll have nothing to complain about then.

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Any council now planning an outdoor event has to at least consider the possiblity of an Islamic terrorist attack. ergo, the Islamists win. 

It is similar to having to see elderly people struggling and suffering the indignity of having to remove their shoes in airports. 

It was the gays in a backlash to the removal of the council leader.

Makes as much sense as most of the above.

That's false logic, khandro.  Putting safeguarding measures in place against possible attack is just common sense.  No one has 'won'. 

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naomi /No one has 'won'./                                                        Oh they have indeed. A couple of decades ago no one even dreamed that there could be any danger of going to a Christmas market.

I received, as a British subject in Germany, before Christmas a warning to be very careful & vigilant in public spaces.

Once unthinkable!

I don't entirely disagree with your points, Khandro, but,(there's always one!)they would win if there were no Christmas markets in case they attacked.

Not entirely accurate here really, khandro.  We had the IRA before this.  Taking precautions against potential threat isn't giving in.  It's just sensible.

Khandro - The British public have been on their guard since the 1970s; the IRA had a far bigger impact on the public consciousness about being alert for possible terrorist actions, rather like Germany in the Red Faction/Baader-Meinhoff days.

I am pleased to take my shoes off at means that terrorists have to take their explosive footwear, too.

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naomi & JTH. Yes we had the IRA but there was little we could other than keep a look out for unaccompanied bags etc.

The Christmas market in Magdeburg was surrounded by bollards with just one not in place in case of use by emergency vehicles & that's where this Syrian *** drove in!

We are now in another game. 

"It is similar to having to see elderly people struggling and suffering the indignity of having to remove their shoes in airports."



Seriously - what is so bad about getting your shoes off in an airport? They have chairs for the infirm, and this is shoes and belts, not knickers and bras.


Getting them off is easy.  It's getting them back on again that's hard.

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