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Avocado must be smashed, not mashed and served on a bed of seaweed, lightly crisped then transferred to a Himalayan Echo Bowl before being dropped into the recycling so the process can continue uninterrupted.
11:01 Mon 06th Jan 2025

And to top it all they are destrying the environment apparenty:,according%20to%20Carbon%20Footprint%20Ltd.


Sorry Judge it has to be HP sauce with baked beans on toast. 

When I can be bothered to fork out the extortionate prices they charge for them, I love them when they are almost black, mashed and spread on rye toast with marmite and a few drops of Tabasco.


So will avocados now be banned along with beef? 😂😪

I love them, enjoy them several times a week, and feel good about eating good fats.

No no climate cjange is the worst thing to happen to mbnkind don't you know

No no climate cjange is the worst thing to happen to mbnkind don't you know

It beats me how the eco loons and enviro mental all love their avocados and none of them understand just how much of the World's most precious natural resource,(or don't care cos they like them) fresh water, it takes to grow this crop. To say nothing of transporting it half way around the globe in airplanes.   ...   and still they lecture and hector the rest of us for driving down to the shops for our spuds.   

The baked beans have to be cold. 


I love avocado.

Baked beans on Marmite sounds good, I must try it.


Straight out of the tin Clover? 🤣

"...and still they lecture and hector the rest of us for driving down to the shops for our spuds."

I think you are inventing things to complain about. Have you really been lectured and hectored about eating potatoes? Ah, is it the driving to the shops to buy the spuds? Now I understand.

Never had an avacado in my life so don't know what all this is about. And climate change is natural, not man-made. 

Soon as anyone mentions climate change I switch off.

//Soon as anyone mentions climate change I switch off.//

Well done! You're saving the planet!🤣

Yes, Togo. Cold baked beans from the tin. 
As for avocados, they're always either unripe or rotting so I don't bother with them now. 

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