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So Much Hatred On Ab These Days

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Redhelen72 | 14:00 Wed 10th Apr 2024 | ChatterBank
68 Answers

Users always say that it was like high noon on AB in the good ole days - fighting and hate.

But I think there is more hate on here now than ever before towards Muslims, Trans and 'lefties' to name a few - its all allowed to remain so appears sanctioned by the owners of AB.

They wonder why people leave or don't want to pay.



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It's really ironic when someone who engages in negative behavior complains about similar actions in others.

It seems quite a common trait amongst we humans to identify our own faults in other people (I'm sure I've done it in the past).

I never venture into AB Hatred or other negatives on a variety of sites.  Why should I - there is enough going on my own life.

I only use the site for advice and calm - 

Quite right JJ. Hope you are well x

Was the mention of Aunt Lydia an own goal?

"If some posters are considered "hard right" then I think it's fair to describe others, such as untitled, as hard left. Certainly his posts come across as hard left."

i am a social democrat deskdiary... certainly within the umbrella term of "socialist" but not hard-left by any means. i am not a communist or an anarchist or an accelerationist... i do not believe in waging class war and i have plenty of criticisms of orthodox marxism and its offshoots, especially marxism-leninism and maoism. unlike the vast majority of people who bandy these terms around however, i have a very good understanding of what they mean because i have taken the trouble to actually read what such people have to say (including marx and lenin) and think about it properly. 

anybody who thinks i am hard-left is ignorant. they do not understand what left wing politics is. 

A good thing i stayed out of this posting.

Redhelen, you don't always post the friendliest of replies yourself and months ago even suggested that I was making something up : D  Though you do come across as helpful too

I don't see any more hate compared to another forum I go on but I guess others use it more frequently so would notice. 

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