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Britain’s Biggest Industry Slashes Jobs After Record Tax Raid

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webbo3 | 16:24 Mon 06th Jan 2025 | News
16 Answers,December%2C%20according%20to%20S%26P%20Global.

Rachel from accounts knows what she is doing.



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Just the start, wait until it really hits, my guess is aroiund Q3 for the impact to become intolerable.

And remember it Rachael from Complaints not accounts.  If it was accounts she may have had an incling on how a business was run.

Times change. It used to be the unions trying to bring down the govt so they could line their own pockets; now it's the rich trying to bring down the govt so they can line the pockets of the poor.

By rich you mean the millionaire marxists in Government?

No, I mean the service companies who are getting rid of staff because they can't afford to keep them.

this article is behind a paywall and it comes from an extremely pro-tory newspaper. not saying its untrue but i would like to be able to scrutinise it properly

Press "escape" just as the page is loading.

I've tried that "many, many times", NJ and never got it to work. It never starts to load, so I can't do what you recommend.

try another browser - it loads ok for me without pressing escape using firefox

As an aside it's reported that Sir Keir thinks that boosting the NHS will benefit the economy by getting thousands off the sick list & back to work. Is he right?

I got Firefox but it doesn't work. Anything to do with adblocker, or perhaps you once subscribed and forgot?

As for the NHS, we'll have to wait and see. Nobody knows how to make the world perfect or how to make economics a 'science'. If it was that easy TTT would be PM (or TTT from accounts).


i am using a phone

no - I don't have an adblocker on firefox & I've never subscribed to any papers.

Yet another huge Labour circus mess. The shambles continues and continues, totally clueless and out of their depth.

Atheist it used to be the unions trying to bring down the goverment it still is aided by the goverment its self.

This link works


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