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S A S Rogue Heroes

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naomi24 | 00:12 Tue 07th Jan 2025 | Film, Media & TV
19 Answers

The story of the foundation of the SAS - dramatised and embellished - but nonetheless eminently watchable.   Does it appeal to anyone else?



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Yes very enjoyable . 

No, we both started watching the first series with high hopes, I gave up as I found it vulgar and brash beyond belief. Husband stuck with it. We then watched the first episode of the new series and both came to my original opinion. If those were the type of humans who founded the SAS then their elite reputation is somewhat tarnished. 

Binge watched both series and can't wait for a third. Found it to be a really good and informative watch.

As for the vulgarity, soldiers swear, and they swear all the time. In fact, when i came home on leave every 6 months or so, i found it difficult to mind my Ps and Qs around my parents.

By vulgarity I didn't mean swearing, I swear like a trooper and have also worked in defence for over 30 years. I'm fairly aware of the military. This is just vulgar behaviour and gratutious violence and bodily functions. It's clearly written to entertain a certain mindset, I'd suggest the actual origins of the SAS is only very very loosely followed. 

These are the kind of people we keep behind glass for use in emergencies, Prudie, whether you approve or not I'm afraid.

i have always assumed that it's 99% fictional and enjoyed it as such

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It's entertaining my mindset but whether that's good or bad I can't say.  It portrays the horrors of war pretty graphically - in fact it had me in tears last night. 

You miss the point prudie or maybe your point is the point. The whole premise is that these were the misfits the thugs those resistant to discipline but at the same time coragious and intelligent. They leaders of them found ways to get their respect by absorbing that behaviour and harnessing it. Then they are the very sharp tip of the spear. Sometimes the mad dogs are needed, I think this is the point the show tries to illustrate.

I read Ben MacIntyres book (on which the series is based) a couple of years ago.

He managed to convey the bravery, stubbornness, madcap-ery, ingenuity, comradeship and gung-ho spirit of the original members without the gratuitous sex, violence, etc. shown in the programme.


A reader will use his/her own imagination. A viewer wants to see what happens.


There was no sexual activity in BMs book, let alone the prolonged scene with David Stirling as shown in the first series.

Jack, that's because the character he is making love with (the French intelligence agent) does not appear in the book. She is one of the few characters to have been invented purely for the series.

Which I think is rather the point......don't you?

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Those who haven't read the book - like me - will be none the wiser.

Sure you're not recalling Virgin Soldiers, jack? 😉

This series should also appeal to the Northern Ireland members of AB.Wasnt Paddy Mayne one of their own?

well i can't say i was interested at all until i read about all the sex and violence.

now i'll have to give it a go!

It's 'based' on the book, Jack, along with research undertaken by the writers Doesn't mean it has to slaverishly follow what was written. Don't know what the book says about the 'fake' grenade scene but 'apparently' it was changed for tv because in reality, the grenade was live.

We have to allow our screenwriters some poetic licence.

Of course, we do.

I just really don't see what exactly a long and pretty graphic sex-scene in the middle of all the 'boys-own-action' brought to the programme.

By all means show, enhance, magnify the combat situations.....that's why we were watching!

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