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Utility Warehouse

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Quenched | 18:45 Sat 04th Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
65 Answers

Ok so apologies because I have another thread about energy suppliers, but I've now plucked up the courage to mention about my case. 


Basically we joined Utility Warehouse UW for short last December, and a guy who sold us to UW came round our house and explained how they keep costs low. 

He said we keep your bills down by combining various utility bills all together, for example in our case we put our house insurance, phone bills, and electricity.

So if I break it down we were paying £80 for our electricity instead of £130 when we we're with Octopus.

So we were delighted at the time, as it seemed we were saving a small fortune. 

But and this is the BIG but. Little did we know we have been under paying for our electricity for a whole year. 

I had an email from UW just before Christmas stating that, we have done an annual review of your energy usage and your in debt by £988!!

I'm thinking hold on, the guy said we keep costs down by combining various utility bills, hence the companies name Utility Warehouse. 

But it seems we have been conned. 

So I started an official complaint, and they said we will shave off £500 of your debt, as I said we think its unfair as this could have easily been addressed sooner.

But they agreed for the next 12 months we only pat for what we use, but based on the last 12 months usage that would typically be £140 a month.

So basically we now have to pay £60 a month more, plus start paying off the £488.

Is this just a case of being screwed over? Shouldn't they erase the debt completely as we are now in financial ruin, and through no fault of our own. 



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To be honest we should have been paying £130, thats what we were paying Octopus a year ago.


But like I was saying UW said they can save us money by combining a few items and would adjust payments as we go along.

The £50 we saved we took out a Verisure security system.

So we may have to cancel that now, aa we will be back to paying £130 or more, plus paying back the £488.


Thats what I was trying to say its left us starting the year in financial difficulties. Trying to balance everything as we live on the bread line. 

Good luck with cancelling if you've had it more than 14 days - 60 days notice + cancelation fee. Is your home often left empty?

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Sorry you lost me, I didn't say I'm cancelling. 

In fact I think I can't switch providers until I pay the debt off. 


What advantage is it for me to switch, I would still have to pay roughly £130 a month.


No our home is not often empty, not sure why you asked that. 

I was referring to this in your previous post

"The £50 we saved we took out a Verisure security system.

So we may have to cancel that".

//Sorry you lost me, I didn't say I'm cancelling. //

Cancelling VERISURE ?

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