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Good Morning Tuesday Birds

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Smowball | 08:32 Tue 07th Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

Have finally succumbed to the stinking head cold that's been going around - head feels fit to burst. Maybe a decent spell of cold weather will kill a few germs! 
Have got work and other stuff to do today but I really don't feel like going out so won't unless I absolutely have to. Anyone  need to go out but really don't feel like it? Weather is dry and sunny outside - you wouldn't believe that we had snow just 2 days ago! 



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Hi Smow, I feel the same as you. Had to cancel my dentist appointment. Nothing else to do today. I might go out for a walk on the beach later to try to blast the germs away. 

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Morning CJ.....that sounds like a plan if you're up to it, but wrap up warm x

Good morning Smow and everyone.

Awe bless you Smow I've had a cold from just before Christmas, finally started to clear up now I've confined myself at home since Thursday, starts to clear up but going out in this weather brings it back on again. So the few jobs to be done I'm doing from home for the rst of the week as well... totally get shut of it. Hope you get well soon Xx

Weather oop here in West Yorshire Snow still about but melted a lot... taken twenty minutes ago:


Quite bright here today after a day of rain yesterday.  Won't be doing much, sitting with a hot water bottle behind my back, think I have a trapped nerve. A gentle walk may help but won't be able to do the woodland trails, fortunately have not seen any snow yet. 

Don't work too hard Smow, sounds like you need to rest.


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Oh love the photo Arksided - actual snow and not this pathetic flurry we had here lol.

ubasses- that sounds very painful, a trapped nerve can be just awful. Have you taken any pain relief?

The figure in the photo is a neighbour two house to my left, obviously Susanah has decided enough enough of driving in the snow... cars still at home and heading toward the taxi. Bless.

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Yes it's lovely to look at but I too wouldn't like to drive in it. Day before yesterday they showed a documentary on the snow of 1982. I hadn't realised it had been quite so bad or had gone on for so long!

Mr U phoning physio as I type, trying not to take anything as they upset my stomach.

Morning everyone, weather here is bright and sunny but quite sharp. Am going to go out for the first time since last friday to replace fresh food, but didn't fancy driving in the snow and ice.

Must admit I have got a lot of jobs and paperwork done, including applying for my second over 70 licence. I wish I could get a clear picture of what over 70's are going to be tested on re driving.

Good morning folks x

To those suffering,  I hope you get well soon.

Army, very picturesque, snow is a great leveller, everyone's garden looks the same :)

Thank you Albert, yes it does 😉


Gosh, dreadfully sorry arky.  Have sent predictive text into the naughty corner. X

You're easily forgiven Alba... most probably wouldn't have noticed Xx

Good morning all. Very chilly here, but bright. All those feeling under the weather, I hope you feel better soon. x

Wishing a quick recovery to all who are sneezy and congested. Take care of yourself Smow! 

I spent the week before Christmas feeling like something was brewing...scratchy throat and then morning laryngitis. It all kicked in Christmas day and Boxing day...even napped the second day. just went. Leaving behind a drippy nose.

I'm hoping to get out today for the first time in over a week...chores and wet winds have stopped me. Yesterday was supposed to be sun and light showers. I was ready to go out and it turned black outside. So much for weather reports. Have a good day everyone! 

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