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Tilly2 | 12:23 Tue 07th Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
41 Answers


Do you use serum and moisturiser together, or one or the other?

I tend to use serum one day and moisturiser the next day. Do I need both at the same time?



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This link, on the Aldi website, says (in respect ofย Lacura Q10 Renew Anti Wrinkle Multi Intensive Serum 50ml) "Use on its own or follow with your usual day/night cream": seems to be consistent with the advice on the Boots...
12:50 Tue 07th Jan 2025
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Hello, Togo!

Thanks for letting us know that your beard needs help.

Oh I know Tilly, we all do what we feel happy with and I'd never criticise anyone for what they put on their face..or anywhere else for that matter ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

I just hate the feel of anything on my face, same with nail polish, looks lovely on others but I hate the feel of it on my fingers.

I confess, I do wear a very, very slight bit of lippy every time I leave the house ๐Ÿ’‹

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I'm  the same with nail polish, Vagus. I will wear it for an occasion but take it off as soon as possible. I once had my nails gelled...never again!

I have very strong nails and almost need an industrial sander to file them, so I use nail clippers instead. As soon as I feel or see the nails over my finger tips, they get snipped off, they need doing now.

One of my daughters in law has gal nails done regularly. They look nice and well cared for but not my cup of tea at all, all sparkly and long. I prefer natural looking nails, very short ๐Ÿ’… The gel nails stopped her biting them though ๐Ÿ‘

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I ended up scraping the gel from my nails with my teeth. Awful stuff, but I can see how it would prevent nail biting.

Interesting reading as we are all different. I wear make-up every day. At night after cleansing I use an eyecream and then a serum (snail mucin actually...). Occasionally I'll then put a moisturiser on top but I don't have dry skin. In the morning I put a different serum (niacimide and Vit C) on under make-up. For 18 months I've used nothing but Korean skincare products and their double cleansing rule and I'm honestly blown away by the improvement, but that's just me.

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What's the double cleansing rule, Prudie?

I was googling that to find out Tilly, only to discover it is what I have unknowingly been doing for yonks.  It is cleanse with one type of cleanser then follow up with another.  I am also using 2 of the products the site I ended up on recommend.

When I have used serum I have always put it on underneath moisuriser as well.  Nowadays I just wash my chops with a flannel (acts as an exfoliator) with Clinique liquid facial wash and then slap on some night cream (Revlon) Clinique Dramatically Different for the day.  I don't like using masses of 'product' because I can't help thinking how much of the stuff can go into the bloodstream

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Well done to you then, Ubasses. What are the recommended products?

To be honest, I just wash my face with soap at night and slap on a bit of moisturiser. 

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S37, I doubt that any of the products get into your bloodstream. I might be wrong though.

I don't know but I sometimes think that if you can put for eg ipbuprofen gel on your skin and it can be absorbed into the body, then what else can be absorbed? 

It is really what ubassess says. Basicaly cleanse first with one type (they favour oil based cleanser/make-up remover) and then cleanse again with another (eg a foaming or gel wash). Night and morning.

I started using a flannel and liquid soap when I was travelling because I had a really good sun tan lotion that was waterproof. Cleanser and a cotton pad didn't even begin to remove it. Cleanser doesn't really clean your face

I remember the adverts for Ann French Deep Cleansing Milk on Radio Luxemboug when I was a kid.  I thought I`d get some of that and be very sophisticated.

I use Garnier michellar water infused with oil followed by Cetaphil facila wash.  Once a week I use Simple glow facial wash which is gentler than an exfoliator.

I don't think I ever used any kind of cream on my y face when I was younger. My skin was quite oily and the less I put on, the better. Even now it's not particularly dry. I splurge on creams occasionally but they don't work miracles.

As for cleansing...when I can be bothered,..I use Super Facialista Vitamin C  Cleansing oil followed by their Vitamin C micro Polish. Sometimes I just use a Simple foaming cleanser. When really lazy, Guarnier micellar wash or face wipes.


I just use simple wipes for cleansing, followed by moisturiser.



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