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Star Wars F A O Mozz....

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ToraToraTora | 17:27 Thu 09th Jan 2025 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers

In EP 4 The character is "Governor Tarkin" - later in the star wars world he is known a "Grand Moff Tarkin" - why is that?



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this could explain it better than I can


Tarkin was elected as the governor of his home planet before the Empire was formed. He served the Galactic Republic's Judicial Department before returning to his home planet. 

Grand Moff

Tarkin became the first Grand Moff after Darth Sidious transformed the Republic into the Empire. He was promoted to Grand Moff after leading pacification efforts against Separatist forces during the Clone Wars. 


Question Author

ah I see, so he was both! cheers.

I was typing a response and it got into it way to much so found and simplified explanation on the net. Glad it helped 

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So EP4 was set after the clone wars so when Leia addresses him as Governor on the death star is she mocking or has she not heard about his promotion?

Yes it's after the clone wars.

I don't know if she's mocking him or his rank

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...or she's just not aware?

I don't know I never really thought about it

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Mozz is our resident expert lets see what he says.

I dont think anyone ever calls him Grand Moff to his face, but I believe Leia is sassing him alongside her other comments - foul stench etc. 

As far as I know, the just represent different roles. He's the governer of his home planet of Eriadu (much like Papatine is of Naboo in the prequels), but his military rank within the Imperial navy is Grand Moff, second only in power to the Emperor.

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Isn't it odd though that the emporor would have a low midichlorian between him and Vader? I always thought that Lucas regretted that situation in EP4 and then sort of had to work around it in the prequels etc.

Indeed, so much so that I've written a book on the subject.

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great have you got the link on amazon?

Sadly it's only currently available on Naboo due to a copyright issue but I'll keep you up to speeder with updates.

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damn those pan galactic copyright laws!

Tora, I think a lot of it was to keep Vader humble. Vader was still mopping up rogue Jedi, so although he was obviously more powerful, Tarkin was meant to be a master strategist. Having him in charge of the military made more sense. 

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