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If Shamima Begum Managed To Smuggle Herself Back To Her Home In The Uk...

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sandyRoe | 13:26 Fri 10th Jan 2025 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

...what could the authorities do ?



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Lock her up

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What for?

Illegal entry and terrorism

Send her round your house?

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I'm sure her parents would welcome her home with open arms.

I think her father has returned to Bangladesh.  Perhaps she could try there.

Im not sure her parents would welcome her home sandy,but i reckon all the terrorist apologists on this site would...unfortunately.

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As she was born in London she's as much an English person as you or I.

There's an opportunity now to let her come home and settle this sorry business for once and for all.

"As she was born in London she's as much an English person as you or I." - yeah it's normal for English kids to go abroad to become baby poppers for terrorists and be unfazed by terrorst attrocities and buckets of severed heads.

'An opportunity'?  What rot!   That sounds like something beneficial to us.  She isn't.

From all accounts there are twenty or thirty more terrorist w-h-o-r-e-s out in prison camps in Syria,most of whom would also like to come"home".Looks like your house is going to be pretty full sandy.

If the authorities found her on British soil, they could walk past her with a loaded umbrella and save the tax payer a fortune.

Whatever they could do is immaterial.

What they would do is to make sure she has accommodation, and is fed and watered. They will then go on to provide access to a "legal team" to concentrate on taking action against the UK government for withdrawing her citizenship.

"As she was born in London she's as much an English person as you or I."

A dog that happens to be born in a stable is not a horse. Lots of people are born in London who are not, by any stretch of the imagination, English.

I thought sandy was Irish anyway.So he is an Englishman after all,well,well,well.


'... SIAC ruled that while there was a credible suspicion that Ms Begum was a victim of trafficking and sexual exploitation, that did not stand in the way of the home secretary [S,Javid] stripping her of British citizenship, as she had become a threat. [?????]  That decision was upheld at the Court of Appeal in February 2024....'

For God's sake, someone tell me what she has actually DONE!

What crime has she committed other than joining up to live in an ISIS encampment?

There are thousands of men who were actively involved in ISIS who are being fed & housed in Britain now at the taxpayer's expense.

^You sure about that Khandro?How did they manage to sneak back in?

Khandro, she left this country to join a terrorist organisation knowing full well what she was joining.  That's what she's done.

//You sure about that Khandro?How did they manage to sneak back in?//

Rubber boats, inside lorries. 

naomi //..she left this country to join a terrorist organisation..//

Yes she was a silly young girl who listened to a load of wicked clap-trap on the internet. But I fail to see what serious active crime she has committed. By God, hasn't she been puished enough ?

What's the matter with you?

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